In bed this morning, Mr H had the temerity to complain that I had not shaved my legs. 'Please don't cuddle me,' he implored. 'When you wrap your legs around mine, it feels like you're stabbing me with hundreds of tiny needles.'
I managed to resist the temptation to load up a syringe of saline solution and stick him there and then. Instead, I brandished my IVF goody bag at him and shrieked, 'How would you like to find out how it REALLY feels to be stabbed with hundreds of tiny needles?'
I guess I can now add irritability to the list of side effects from which I am suffering.
Thanks for your good wishes at my blog. I appreciate it! Best of luck with your cycle -- I will root for you!
ouch, exactly not the thing to say to a woman going thru IVF. sorry about that.
maybe he's just feeling the stress of everything you're going through also, and it came out in the wrong way?
good luck with all those little needles! ~luna
Men do not think before they speak, do they? That should go on a "what not to say list". the clinics should give them out to partners.
I would have been a little irritiable about that too, you're well within your right
I like the idea of a "what not to say" list. maybe go for some thick pjs or a Victorian-esque ankle-length smock nightie in rebellion...?!
Keep the needles handy in case, but I think reciprocal stress is a reasonable reading of the remark...
Oh dear, I think you were right to be irritated by that remark. The "what not to say list" is sounding like a pretty good idea. A ban on the mention of the word "needle" in a non-IVF context would be near the top of the list.
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