Wednesday, 7 May 2008

A glimmer of hope

Much to our surprise, they managed to retrieve six eggs yesterday.

The embryologist has just phoned. Three were immature, one was damaged as a result of the ICSI procedure, one showed initial signs of fertilisation but did not develop overnight, but one fertilised. The resulting embryo will be frozen, and put back in a later cycle, once we have dealt with the polyp. She also said that she did not think that there were any major problems with the quality of the eggs retrieved.

Obviously, there is still a long way to go - there is a chance that our one embryo may not survive the freezing process, let alone implant. But today I am going to allow myself to feel hopeful that we have this one chance, and grateful that I am part of this community: I went into retrieval knowing that you were all there with me, willing this to work out. I like to think that all those waves of positive energy made the difference!

11 comments: said...

So glad you have this hope.

And it true what they say - you only need one. I didn't believe it before but now I know it is true.

Well done, I am so happy for you.

jp said...

I am so impressed that you had a total of six and that you will have one in the freezer!!!!!!
Let's take care of this polyp and get on with the show...

Jendeis said...

Such good news! Go take care of yourself and then it's all about the ovasicle.

Mrs.X said...

Yay! I knew that there was something going on! As you well know, just take it one day at a time and today you have an embryo on ice and that is a lot more than you thought you were going to get. So, rest up, heal and when you're ready, get back on board.

annacyclopedia said...

Oh dear Ms. H - *of course* we are here with you and willing to work things out with you and beaming you every speck of love and healing energy we can. I'm so glad you felt us there with you and I'm so glad you have this one chance. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

luna said...

so glad you've got some good news. I hate to sound cliche, but it's true -- sometimes all you need is one. wishing you a quick recovery. when will you have the polyp removed? I'm so happy there is reason for hope. ~luna

Shinejil said...

This is great news! Whoopie, Heathens! Score one for the Heathens!

I'm rooting for you, Mr. H, and your frosty. I really hope the polyp proves a blimp on the screen, and you can proceed soon with your plans.

Pamela T. said...

Yes! Do feel hopeful. This embryo is a fighter -- I can feel it! Wishing you all the best as you make your way through this next phase. Be gone polyp...we've got work to do here!

Lisa said...

Keep the faith! That strong little embryo wants to be with its mommy!

Lisa at

Kim said...

Yea! I am so happy to hear this! Very promising news all around!

C said...

I'm hoping for you...I'm all about going against the odds.

*positive thoughts, positive thoughts*