Thursday, 6 November 2008


Don't worry - I haven't turned into one of those bloggers who finally gets that elusive BFP, promptly forgets that they were ever infertile and then skips off into the sunset to decorate the nursery...

Mr H is stuck out in Madrid on a three-week assignment at the moment. Because of flight times, he cannot make it home at the weekends. This week is reading week for my students, which meant that I did not have classes to teach, and so I decided to fly out to see him. Coincidentally, last weekend also marked our fourth wedding anniversary.

We had a wonderful few days together. Although infertility and pregnancy loss have taken us to some pretty dark places, and have at times stretched our relationship almost to breaking point, we weathered that storm. After eight years together, we are still going strong and, perhaps just as importantly, we still actually like each other - I know that it's a bit of a cliche, but he really is my best friend as well as my lover.

While in Madrid, I also threw caution to the wind and ate a wide variety of cured meats. I also consumed a large and very bloody steak, which I washed down with half a glass of red wine. I cannot help but feel that much of the dietary advice aimed at pregnant women may be culturally specific - I can't really imagine that French women are warned of the potentially dire consequences of consuming Brie, or of not cooking their steak all the way through. One of Mr H's Italian colleagues did, however, inform me that there is an old superstition in Italy that, if you eat too many raspberries while pregnant, you will give birth to a bright pink baby! Given my fanatical belief in the anti-ageing properties of blueberries, Mr H is now worried that our baby may emerge looking a bit like Violet Beauregarde!


Pamela T. said...

thank you for not being one of those bloggers ;-)

glad you had a good time on your anniversary trip!

annacyclopedia said...

I completely agree about the dietary advice - a lot of it is ridiculous, in my opinion. Glad you enjoyed yourself to the fullest.

And a very happy anniversary to you both!

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

I'm just relieved you had such a great time on that trip (I was getting a little concerned we hadn't heard an update). That sounds like a great trip you had - hugs to Mr H (hee hee) and yep, I think you're bang on about culturally specific diet advice!

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

PS Violet Beauregarde! BWAH! What an image!

Malloryn said...

It's great to hear from you! I'm glad you had a good time with your husband on your trip and that you indulged a bit. Happy anniversary to you both!

Liz said...

Happy Anniversary (its mine on Monday) winter weddings rock! And couldn't agree more on the diet thing. Let them eat steak.

I_Sell_Books said...

The only things I didn't eat were raw dairy, deli meats...well, apart from the ham. Erm. And, uh...yeah.

Besides, technically, with steak it's only the surface areas that could be contaminated wih ecoli/whatever. Ground beef improperly cooked is more likely to make one ill.

Lisa said...

That sounds like heaven! So glad you were able to join Mr. H for a getaway.

I'm with ya on the berries! :)


Shinejil said...

I say a sip of wine and a little rare meat never hurt. Good for you, and good to hear from you!

luna said...

happy anniversary, mrs. h! glad you had such a great trip.

Secret D said...

Happy Anniversary! November is definitely the month for weddings. Good to have you back and glad to hear that everything is OK and that you were able to enjoy good food and wine.

Mo said...

I just found your blog and am so glad I did! Congratulations of making it safely into the second trimester. Am hoping you're beginning to breathe a bit easier now that you've gotten to this point. Having suffered through miscarriage and IVF, I know what a milestone making it to the second trimester is!

I'll be following your blog regulalry and linking to it on my site.

Wishing you the best,
